Friday, April 26, 2024

Final Blog Post!

 I think that this video does a really good job explaining what I think is wrong with society today. As a society we have become too dependent on technology, specifically social media to bring joy and happiness into our lives that we fail to look up and really observe the world around us. I think one of the worst inventions that has come into existence for humans is the advent of social media. 

While I do think that at its core social media is a good thing when used properly because it allows you to receive and share photos and information with friends, family, and old acquaintances from your past. Social media allows you to connect with more people that you may not have otherwise met. As a sports fan being able to see game highlights while the game is still going on is a great advancement in technology compared to when my parents were kids or even when I was a young child.

Sadly I have to think back to the video and agree with one of the overarching themes which is that social media is fake. People will go on social media and portray a lifestyle and image that they may or may not have. In the video there are multiple examples of this including the girl who when in the picture frame of her phone has a smile that lights up a room, but when off the camera she's miserable. 

Later on in the video it hit on another toxic trait of social media which are the keyboard warriors. In the video it shows this girl who was dancing and everyone around her was recording, she assumed that they were laughing with her and enjoying her performance but instead they all went and made fun of her on social media to the point she killed herself. And instead of recognizing what they had done to this girl everyone just moved on like nothing happened. Very indicative of real life where social media bullying is a growing cause of death among teenagers.

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