Friday, April 26, 2024

Blog Post #7: Privacy Online

When it comes to modern technology people fail to realize that by having a smartphone or any smart device they are being tracked and giving up a lot more information about themselves than they realize. It could be something as simple as your phone listening to you talk. Everyone I feel has been in the spot where you were talking about something and then you look down at your phone and you see an advertisement for the product pop up right... trust me this is no coincidence.  All of these technology companies thrive on breaching into our personal lives to see if they can make even more money off people by recommending and showing ads for things they hear. 

A different way that these companies get all of our information is through web tracking. Companies online will track all of your searches and collect all of your personal information. One way these websites try to get you to agree to this is by having you agree to all cookies when you first enter a website. Some of the companies have creative ways that they do this including not allowing you to access whatever you want to look at until you accept all cookies. 

My last example is an app that really has taken over the younger generations and has become a hot topic of conversation over the last year because of their ties to tracking people and the Chinese government... TikTok. TikTok has been ousted as being one companies that uses a tracker called pixels that track all of your activity that you have on your phone... yes even when you are not on the app. This is even including your username and password that you put on your account that is supposed to protect it from hacking and other impersonation attempts.

In the end the more I start to learn about technology and how it works the less of it I want to deal with. I understand from the companies perspective why they would track everyone because all they want to do is maximize profits and they want to dangle products in your face that they know you are thinking about. I understand there is no real ethics in business but on a human level how could you even let your family possess and use this kind of technology especially if you know how it all works and the harm it could cause?

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