Monday, February 12, 2024

Blog Post #6: The United States' Love of Chaos

What is the best kind of news in the media that causes the most clicks, comments, and views in the United States? One simple word can sum it up very well... chaos. The news that we see in America on a nightly basis is almost always based around death, war, or politics. Today people in America are so divided they watch their different news stations like CNN and Fox News just to receive the same information but from two completely different view points. 

I feel that when it comes to anti war websites you do not hear or see a lot about them because they do not generate the headlines that grab people's attention compared to a bombing. Like while reading through website I found an interesting article talking about how Russia offered the U.S to enter negotiations to end the war in Ukraine and the U.S denied it. That is completely different then what you would see in mainstream media where it is made to look like the U.S is doing everything they can to help the Ukrainian people and simply that is not true.

Another article I read was about all of the journalist that have been killed in Gaza during the war between Israeli and Hamas. 85 journalist have been killed since that war started and the article says it averages out to about five a week. It is extremely sad to read something like that because innocent people are being killed while trying to do their job and a civic duty in providing citizens vital information that could save their lives. 

In the U.S we love to act like a nation that is trying to prevent wars but in actuality we are helping aid multiple wars around the world right now. All the different anti war websites out there are trying to show that and the government could be censoring their content to prevent it from being seen from a wider audience because they do not want people to know the details about the wars they are financially backing. Could the wars in Ukraine and Israel be over if the U.S was not involved? I can't answer that but that is something the United States' government doesn't want you to even consider.

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Blog Post #10: Propaganda

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