Friday, April 26, 2024

Blog Post #9: Age of AI

This will make me sound older than I am but I remember a time in which technology still had not made it's way into everyday teaching like it is today. When I was in secondary school we had to go to the computer lab to use computers. And because there weren't many computers in the computer lab my teacher would have to rent times for the entire class to go use the computers. Then we would evolve to my individual classrooms having their own computers by the time I got to 5th grade. Then later on in middle and high school we were getting our own laptops that we would use everyday to do every assignment and we were allowed to take the laptops home as well. 

Now here I am in college and the world has been introduced to artificial intelligence which can do the work for you. All you have to do is type in what you want it to do and within 30 seconds you can have whatever you want. It is crazy to me that technology has evolved to this point and that we are now advancing to where artificial intelligence can do people's jobs for them. And companies have realized this and have laid people off because they can save money just by having AI do the job. I do not believe that this is a good thing by any stretch of the imagination and AI, while it does have its benefits, could lead to a downfall of society in my eyes. 

I feel that AI makes us humans lazier. I'm sure that most college students can relate when they say they know someone or themselves have used AI to do their school work for them. AI makes everything so easy and so convenient that it can take away from a human being's work ethic which to me, is one of the biggest tools you need to be successful in life. The longer that we allow AI to be taken advantage of like this the less confident I feel in future generations to be able to do tasks and think for themselves.

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