Sunday, January 28, 2024

Blog Post #2: My Reflection on the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court Building - Supreme Court of the United States 

Growing up I was never a fan of politics or government because of the divide I felt and still feel it causes in our society today. So because of that I did not know too much about the Supreme Court but, I always thought about it as the parent of all the branches of government. I knew that the Supreme Court had the most power and the only people that could overturn a Supreme Court Case decision was the Supreme Court.

Justice Thurgood Marshall

Before reading the History Channel article on the Supreme Court I did not know that the president nominated the Supreme Court justices. So when I read that Thurgood Marshall was the first African American to be a Supreme Court justice I was shocked he received the votes to be able to do so. Receiving the nomination and being voted into the Supreme Court by the U.S Senators (69-11) in 1967 during the height of the civil rights movement.

Along with the topic of the justices having to be nominated by the president it leads me to wonder if that is why none of the three presidents that have been impeached have never been convicted? Is it really because they were innocent or did the Supreme Court justices let their political party loyalty influence their decision one if the presidents were guilty or not.

To me the biggest takeaway from this article is realizing how much of an effect that Supreme Court decisions have had in America. Things that I thought would be basic rights in America like same-sex marriage (Obergefell v. Hodges), presidents abusing their power (U.S v. Nixon), or the government being able to use evidence it found illegally in the court of law (Mapp v. Ohio) had to go to court and be fought over. 

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